Bacteriological Profile of Wounds of Patients with Neuroischemic Form of Diabetic Foot
V. I. Silvistrovich,
A. A. Lyzikov,
M. L. Kaplan,
J. I. Yarets
<jats:bold>Objective: </jats:bold>to assess the results of the microbiological study of wounds in patients with diabetic foot syndrome (DFS).<jats:bold>Material and methods.</jats:bold> The microbiological study of the wounds of 76 patients with the neuroischemic form of DFS having undergone inpatient treatment at Gomel Regional Diabetic Foot Center from 2016 to 2019 was performed.<jats:bold>Results.</jats:bold> The range of the microbial flora of the wounds of the patients with the neuroischemic form of DFS has been identified, the antibiotic susceptibility of the detected bacteria to antibacterial drugs has been analyzed.<jats:bold>Conclusion.</jats:bold> The microbiological profile of the wounds of the patients with the neuroischemic form of DFS was characterized by the variety of bacteria and included Enterococcusfaecalis (29%), Staphylococcusaureus (19%), as well as representatives of Enterobacteriaceae family (25%). The detected bacteria were most sensitive to glycopeptides, aminoglycosides, carbapenems, which makes it reasonable to prescribe these groups of antibiotics as the start antibacterial therapy.
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Date 2020-03-28
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