ダイズの蛋白質含有率の変異に関する研究 第1報 ダイズ品種における個体内変異
Genetic Variation of Seed Protein Content in Soybean, <i>Glycine max</i> (L.) Merrill. I. Single Seed Protein Content of Several Varieties release_rev_8b092686-65f4-4674-97d2-6b1d6377688f

by Akio KIKUCHI, Kohsei TABUCHI, Taizan ADACHI

Published in Tohoku Journal of Crop Science by The Tohoku Branch, The Crop Science Society of Japan.

1994   Volume 37, Issue 0, p65-66

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1994
Language   ja ?
Journal Metadata
Not in DOAJ
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  0911-7067
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Catalog Record
Revision: 8b092686-65f4-4674-97d2-6b1d6377688f