鏡視下小切開骨盤リンパ節廓清(医歯大'02)(Minilaparotomy Endoscopic Surgery) release_rev_8aaa4198-be53-41b5-807d-cc295075a184

by 影山 幸雄, 木原 和徳, 奥野 哲男, 川上 理, 藤井 靖久, 増田 均, 鈴木 理仁, 兵地 信彦, 新井 学, 齋藤 一隆, 酒井 康之, 小林 剛

Published in The Japanese Journal of Urology by THE JAPANESE UROLOGICAL ASSOCIATION.

2002   Volume 93, Issue 2, p417

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2002
Language   ja ?
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Not in DOAJ
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  0021-5287
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Revision: 8aaa4198-be53-41b5-807d-cc295075a184