サービスの文脈と提供者の価値観の見える化に基づく医療実践知の共有支援 release_rev_7d217e21-5783-406a-8ebf-1e786d3c2a41

by 小川 泰右, 池田 満, 荒木 賢二, 鈴木 斎王, 橋田 浩一

Published in JSAI Technical Report, Type 2 SIG by The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.

Volume 2011, Issue KST-12, p03

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Language   ja ?
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Not in DOAJ
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  2436-5556
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Revision: 7d217e21-5783-406a-8ebf-1e786d3c2a41