The Work–Family Interface of Service Sector Workers. A Comparison of Work Resources and Professional Status across Five European Countries
Barbara Beham,
Sonja Drobnič,
Patrick Präg
The present paper examines cross-national differences in the use of work–family resources at the organizational level and the relationships between these resources and work-to-home interference (WHI) and satisfaction with work–family balance (SWFB) among professional and non-professional service sector employees in five Western European countries. Further, it explores cross-national variations in the gap between professionals and non-professionals with respect to both outcome variables. Professional service sector employees were consistently found to experience higher levels of WHI and lower levels of SWFB. The use of organizational work–family resources differed across welfare state regimes and levels of national gender equality. It was highest in Sweden and The Netherlands and lowest in Portugal. A family-supportive supervisor and a family-supportive organizational culture differentially affected WHI of professional and non-professional workers, with a family-supportive supervisor being more beneficial to non-professionals and a family-supportive organizational culture being more beneficial to professional employees. Finally, the gap between professionals and non-professionals was also found to vary across countries for WHI but not for SWFB. It was significantly larger in the United Kingdom and in Sweden than in the other three countries.
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Date 2019-05-01
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