Modeling of Children's Language Acquisition by Inductive Logic Programming(<Special Issue>Machine Learning vs. Human Learning : Why Can't Machines Outsmart Humans ?")
帰納論理プログラミングによる幼児の言語獲得のモデル化(<特集>機械学習,それが人に及ばざる理由) release_rev_5bc6997c-3260-49c4-bc41-eb76ab0a590f

by Koichi FURUKAWA

Published in Journal of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence by The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.

Volume 18, Issue 5, p542-545

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Language   ja ?
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Not in DOAJ
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  2188-2266
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Revision: 5bc6997c-3260-49c4-bc41-eb76ab0a590f