This Week in Science release_rev_405b4b47-72d5-4939-bf17-de6c52d6c2f3

by Phil Szuromi, L. Bryan Ray, Peter Stern, Valda Vinson, Michael A. Funk, Ian S. Osborne, Beverly A. Purnell, Pamela J. Hines, Yevgeniya Nusinovich, Jake Yeston, Ifor Williams, Stella M. Hurtley (+5 others)

Published in Science by American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS).

2019   Volume 364, Issue 6441, p645-647

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2019-05-17
Language   en ?
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Not in DOAJ
In Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  0036-8075
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Revision: 405b4b47-72d5-4939-bf17-de6c52d6c2f3