AA.VV., I diversi volti dell'eutanasia. Prospettive teologiche, etiche e guiridiche (a cura di Alessandro Argiroffi, Paolo Becchi, Anna Pia Viola, Daniele Anselmo), Aracne, Roma, 2009, 212 pp. release_rev_3edda296-544f-4fd6-b332-9c9443eeb3c0

by Marta Albert

Published in Persona y Derecho by Universidad de Navarra.

2016   p274-278

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2016-04-13
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Not in DOAJ
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ISSN-L:  0211-4526
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Catalog Record
Revision: 3edda296-544f-4fd6-b332-9c9443eeb3c0