Validity of diagnostic pure-tone audiometry without a sound-treated environment in older adults release_rev_3c4e594d-2f2f-4e6e-9558-c91c1b8bb20c

by Felicity Maclennan-Smith, De Wet Swanepoel, James W. Hall

Published in International Journal of Audiology by Informa UK Limited.

2012   Volume 52, p66-73

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2012-11-11
Language   en ?
DOI  10.3109/14992027.2012.736692
PubMed  23140522
Wikidata  Q44132389
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Not in DOAJ
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ISSN-L:  1499-2027
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Revision: 3c4e594d-2f2f-4e6e-9558-c91c1b8bb20c