S. E. C. Shotcreting System in Myojin Tunnel
SEC吹付け工法による道路トンネルの吹付けコンクリート工 release_rev_34e3115d-2f94-4ae0-a717-45132f56426b

by Takashi Ishii, Tadahiko Okumura, Shigemi Matsumoto, Hidekuni Takasaki, Akira Miyazaki

Published in Concrete Journal by Japan Concrete Institute.

1983   Volume 21, Issue 11, p72-78

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1983
Language   en ?
Container Metadata
Not in DOAJ
Not in Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  0387-1061
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Catalog Record
Revision: 34e3115d-2f94-4ae0-a717-45132f56426b