心筋血流SPECTにおける心拍・呼吸同時 Gated SPECTの検討 : 新システムの臨床的有用性について(核医学検査 心筋, 一般研究発表予稿集, 日本放射線技術学会第33回秋季学術大会) release_rev_04ce0a3d-bbbc-4373-91c9-d03b8e00f5ac

by 菊池 敬, 神宮司 公二, 徳重 尊宣, 伊藤 喜弘, 田上 聡美, 浅野 雄二

Published in Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology by Japanese Society of Radiological Technology.

2005   Volume 61, Issue 9, p1264

Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2005
Language   ja ?
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Not in DOAJ
Not in Keepers Registry
ISSN-L:  0369-4305
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Revision: 04ce0a3d-bbbc-4373-91c9-d03b8e00f5ac