La ciudadanía transnacional y el voto desde el extranjeroen México 2018:el caso Guanajuato en las elecciones para presidente de la república y gobernador release_r5xoletkqrfohn6po5tyklez2a

by Miguel Vilches Hinojosa, Jesús Aguilar López

Published in Migraciones Internacionales by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte A.C..

2022   Volume 13


This paper descriptively discusses the vote of Mexicans and people born in Guanajuato, Mexico living in the United States during the 2017-2018 electoral process. This presidential and gubernatorial election represented a substantial change in the electoral behavior of the Mexican diaspora. The phenomenon is relevant because it is the first time in the political history of this entity that people from Guanajuato living abroad were able to vote to elect a governor and senators. The analysis focuses on the concept of transnational citizenship, which involves the exercise of migrants' political rights and their consequent impact on the reconfiguration of the State, especially at the subnational level, in addition to being an expansion of political rights that led to the implementation of a series of mechanisms by the federal and local electoral body to disseminate and make this right accessible.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2022-04-15
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ISSN-L:  1665-8906
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