The Design of a Land Suitability Model on Rice Production Estimation using Remote Sensing Method in Merauke District Papua release_r4fzzdjffjbn3fr2dzfkkcvthu

Published in International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP.

2020   Volume 10, p291-295


The area of agricultural land in Merauke Regency according to data from Bappeda (Agency for Regional Development) of Merauke Regency is for about 4.6 million hectares in 2015 and within the next 5 years will be cultivated as much as 1.2 hectares, especially for rice field and secondary crops plants [1].This study has purpose to estimate the value of rice production by using dry-milled rice with a land suitability approach using decision tree analysis and remote sensing methods in Merauke Regency. Remote sensing that has been corrected geometrically and radio-metrically is analyzed by using decision tree analysis to derive information on paddy/rice and non-rice field land use and which is reclassified by using field unit information based on field observations which will result in accuracy of use and producer. The rice field data is then processed to derive information on the rotation pattern of rice by using a decision tree analysis that is using input data on land characteristics which will produce total accuracy. Information on rice field area and rotation patterns are complemented by land productivity (tons / ha) sourced from BPS (Central Statistics Agency) data and interviews with land cultivators and local residents (farmers) were used to calculate the total rice production value on dry-milled rice The results of calculations by using this method are expected to have a fairly large surplus of calculations, both data from BPS (Central Bureau of Statistics) and data from interviews with land cultivators and local residents (farmers). Thus, these results are expected to show that the land suitability approach by using remote sensing methods for estimating rice production can be used to produce information on rice field area and rotation patterns with moderate to high accuracy.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2020-10-30
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  2249-8958
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