@article{potop_pavel_pavel_2020, title={Practical-Methodical Aspects Regarding the Training of the Fencers Aged 8 to 10 Years}, volume={XXI}, DOI={10.29081/gsjesh.2020.21.1s.02}, abstractNote={This paper investigates the theoretical, tactical and physical training level specific to the fencer of 8 to 10 years old. The study was conducted in Bucharest Technical Applied Sports Club (foil fencing), in the gym of the Secondary School no 167, with a group of 10 athletes aged 8 to10 years. The study results show the improvement of the specific technical and physical indicators and also of the performance level reached in direct competition. The high values of these indicators reveal a closed connection between the physical training and the technical-tactical one during the fencing sessions. The technicaltactical tests and the competition have values that improved differently for each athlete. This is due to the physical and technical training exercises but especially to the temperamental type of the athletes. The technique, tactics and competition results are influenced by the workouts and particularly by the genetic endowment of each athlete.}, number={1 (Supplement)}, publisher={Vasile Alecsandri University of Bacau}, author={Potop, Vladimir and Pavel, Ana Virginia and Pavel, Liviu Paul}, year={2020}, month={Jun} }