@article{ulhoa_spaniol_2016, title={On Gravitational Entropy of de Sitter Universe}, volume={2016}, DOI={10.1155/2016/4504817}, abstractNote={The paper deals with the calculation of the gravitational entropy in the context of teleparallel gravity for de Sitter space-time. In such a theory it is possible to define gravitational energy and pressure; thus we use those expressions to construct the gravitational entropy. We use the temperature as a function of the cosmological constant and write the first law of thermodynamics from which we obtain the entropy. In the limit Λ1 we find that the entropy is proportional to volume, for a specific temperature's choice; we find that ΔS0 as well. We also identify a phase transition in de Sitter space-time by analyzing the specific heat.}, publisher={Hindawi Limited}, author={Ulhoa and Spaniol}, year={2016} }