Elective course on machine learning in high school: problems of sports programming release_qylqrcnsqjcsnnkxati365oyha

by A. A. Nikandrov, X. R. Piotrowska

Published in Informatics in school by Publishing House Education and Informatics.

2024   Issue 1, p54-59


The article discusses the prospect of teaching elements of machine learning in high school. An overview of foreign experience in studying the fundamentals of machine learning at school is presented. A system of tasks is proposed for an elective course on machine learning for high school students in Russian secondary schools. An analysis of five typical tasks of competitive programming, which are the author's development, was carried out, and each task has its own rating, similar to those offered on the well-known resources of the informatics Olympiad movement: CodeForces, LeetCode, AtCoder. The elective is intended for schoolchildren who already have basic knowledge of programming in Python 3, and consists of three modules that are aimed at different levels of proficiency in this programming language. The student has the opportunity to increase or decrease the level of completion of the course. The elective course can be implemented in the Stepik system. Training can be carried out either in distance learning or in the form of blended learning. The program code of tasks is checked automatically. Consideration of theory and analysis of tasks are carried out on the interactive computing platform Jupyter Notebook.
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Date   2024-04-18
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