Evaluation of invitro antifungal activity of selected fungal species tested against opportunistic human pathogen Candida albicans release_qx6aqzkmtjg6xofuz5c4j3774e

by Aakriti Shukla, Apoorva Pathak

Published in Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biological Research by IJPBR.

2020   Issue 01, p01-08


Candida albicans is currently the fourth-leading cause of hospital-acquired bloodstream infections, reaching a mortality rate up to 35–40% for systemic or disseminated infections. Systemic mycoses can occur in patients with severely impaired immune systems (AIDS), with organ or bone marrow transplants, cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and patients in ICU (neonates and elderly). It is therefore, obvious that there is substantial need for fast effective antifungal antibiotics to combat fungal infections. The present investigation has been proposed to screen effective fungal metabolites for the control of Candida albicans by evaluating the potential of fungal bioactive compounds, its purification and characterization.
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Date   2020-03-27
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