Dydaktyka online i semi-online: jak stosować technologie cyfrowe w nauczaniu filozofii i etyki release_qsbxjhjhane4jg24otjsmc5cdm

by Ewa Nowak

Published in Filozofia Publiczna i Edukacja Demokratyczna by Adam Mickiewicz University Poznan.

2018   p24-43


Internet access and semi-online teaching methods seem to be useful in a scientific and  technological education. How efficient they can be in a philosophical and sociomoral education? Experiencing of full inclusion and open discourse are preconditions of moral and democratic education. I show supporting opportunities for semi-online teaching by giving an exemple that is based o story from A. Schopenhauer.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2018-07-31
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ISSN-L:  2299-1875
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