@article{abu shehab_cruceanu_ciubara_gurita_luca_ciubara_2022, title={Vaccine hesitancy among hospital workers}, volume={65}, DOI={10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.1370}, abstractNote={ Introduction Vaccine hesitancy is a serious issue and it affects the scientific achievements of health. This phenomenon has begun to be studied more often in health care workers, to find its determining factors. Objectives The aim was to determine the percentage of hospital workers who got vaccinated against the infection with SARS-CoV-2. Methods Beginning with October 2021, we conducted an online questionnaire in which 57 hospital workers participated. Preliminary results allowed us to assess the rate of vaccine hesitancy among this group. Results Out of the 57 hospital workers, the majority were vaccinated (n=45, 78.94%) in comparison to less than a quarter (n=12, 21.05%) that refused vaccination. The group of hospital workers included mostly nurses ( n=21, 36.84%). Also, 12 psychologists (21.05%), 11 doctors (19.29%), and 10 students (17.54%) were included. Among the cases that did not accept getting vaccinated against COVID-19, the highest percentage was occupied by nurses (n=9, 15.78%). Moreover, there were only one doctor and one psychologist who did not get vaccinated. Conclusions In the current pandemic times, the hesitancy and refusal of vaccination prove to be very challenging. It is important to explore their reasons and to promote health education programs. Disclosure No significant relationships. }, number={S1}, publisher={Royal College of Psychiatrists}, author={Abu Shehab, A.H.I. and Cruceanu, C. and Ciubara, A.B. and Gurita, A.V. and Luca, L. and Ciubara, A.}, year={2022} }