The Rebirth of Medical Self-Government in Poland in 1989 release_qnmhjlbk2nbzjlvcjjqktfaecu

by Piotr Kordel, Marcin Moskalewicz

Published in Lex Localis by UK Zhende Publishing Limited Company.

2024   Volume 22, Issue 2, p104-119


The Polish Chamber of Physicians and Dentists (Naczelna Izba Lekarska) and the regional chambers of physicians and dentists (Okręgowe Izby Lekarskie) are the organisational bodies of the professional self-government of physicians and dentists in Poland. They are responsible for supervising the proper and conscientious exercise of the medical professions, determining the principles of professional ethics and deontology, and representing and protecting the medical professions. The history of Polish medical self-government dates back to the end of the nineteenth century. The development of the chambers was stopped in 1950 by the communist regime when the authorities decided to dissolve them. This article, which is partly based on unpublished sources, presents the efforts of Polish doctors to regain their professional self-government. It shows how these efforts were linked to the democratisation processes of Poland in 1989.
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Date   2024-04-30
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