Flexible Least Squares Algorithm for Switching Models release_qmxpfdtjyrc6zffjiw3lqzirta

by Yunxia Ni, Lixing Lv, Yuejiang Ji

Published in Complexity by Hindawi Limited.

2022   Volume 2022, p1-11


The self-organizing model and expectation-maximization method are two traditional identification methods for switching models. They interactively update the parameters and model identities based on offline algorithms. In this paper, we propose a flexible recursive least squares algorithm which constructs the cost function based on two kinds of errors: the neighboring two-parameter estimation errors and the output estimation errors. Such an algorithm has several advantages over the two traditional identification algorithms: it (1) can estimate the parameters of all the sub-models without prior knowledge of the model identities; (2) has less computational efforts; and (3) can update the parameters with newly arrived data. The convergence properties and simulation examples are provided to illustrate the efficiency of the algorithm.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-10-26
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  1076-2787
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