Orthoses Development Using Modern Technologies release_qlnh3wliubel3f767h6jxgfiby

by Branko Štefanovič, Mária Danko, Monika Michalíková, Lucia Bednarčíková, Viktória Rajťúková, Teodor Tóth, Marianna Trebuňová, Radovan Hudák, Jozef Živčák

Published in Orthotics and Prosthetics [Working Title] by IntechOpen.



The aim of this study was to design, manufacture and verify orthoses using innovative methods. 3D scanning, additive manufacturing and CAD/CAM software are applied during the development process. Target group of the study are subjects with insufficient gripping and manipulating functions of the arm and forearm. Positives are obtained using a hand-held 3D scanner Artec Eva. Specific 3D scanning methodology is applied during this process. Individual orthoses are designed in an open-source CAD software Meshmixer and manufactured by FDM (Fused Deposition Modeling) additive technology from a biocompatible plastic material. All models are inspected and verified in an analysis software VGStudio MAX. Given methodology can be used not only for this specific purpose, but also for orthosis development in general.
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Date   2021-01-15
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