Business Ethics And Social Responsibility Strategies For Foreign Subsidiaries release_qlbftoibxjbpxcy4esqkhxx5re

by Yezdi H. Godiwalla

Published in Journal of Diversity Management by Clute Institute.



Multinational corporations (MNC) operate in multiple, diverse and complex global environments, making it not only interesting but challenging to pursue business ethics and social responsibility strategies. They have to formulate and execute business ethics and social responsibility strategies to suit the culturally diverse and differing operating conditions of the countries in which they operate. The culturally generated social mores and values are vastly different in an MNCs multiple country environments. The peoples of different countries have different expectations of what should be the foreign corporations performance of business ethics and social responsibility.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2012-03-27
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ISSN-L:  1558-0121
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