@article{tomida_inadomi_seki_tameda_oku_sano_2019, title={Development of the calibration device using UAV mounted UV-LED light source for the fluorescence detector}, volume={210}, DOI={10.1051/epjconf/201921005015}, abstractNote={We have developed a standard UV-LED light source mounted on an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), so-called the Opt-copter, for the calibration of the fluorescence detectors (FDs) of the Telescope Array experiment. The positioning accuracy of the UAV controlled by GPS is ~ 10 cm, which enables a precision calibration of the pointing directions of the FD phototubes. We report the hardware details of the device and the status of data analysis.}, publisher={EDP Sciences}, author={Tomida and Inadomi and Seki and Tameda and Oku and Sano}, editor={Lhenry-Yvon and Biteau and Deligny and Ghia}, year={2019} }