Exploring the Roles of Genetic Counseling in Pediatric Medicine release_pys4w3ncv5dhxl7ewymsx7kape

by Megbal Oudeh Alshurfat, Omar Salah Refai

Published in Scholars Academic Journal of Biosciences by SASPR Edu International Pvt. Ltd.

2024   Volume 12, Issue 01, p22-27


In the field of pediatric treatment, genetic counseling is an essential instrument for lowering the prevalence of oncological disorders and uncommon diseases. The primary objective of this inquiry was to conduct a thorough literature analysis with the purpose of acquiring the most recent information on genetic counseling in the field of pediatrics. According to the findings of the investigation, the increased significance of genetic counseling can be attributed to the fact that technology improvements that can be implemented at each stage of the counseling process have contributed to the process. The identification of rare illnesses and oncology situations, such as retinoblastoma, can be accomplished with the astounding assistance of genetic counseling. Genetic counseling can be done to provide premarital information on genetic problems in order to reduce the likelihood of developing future illnesses such as thalassemia. This can be accomplished by utilizing genetic counseling. Genetic counseling is a vital practice that gives families and healthcare practitioners the ability to make well-informed decisions regarding an individual's health.
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Date   2024-01-27
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