Complex Atoms described by orthogonal operators release_pezrnmahmfevxm4lo2m5je2gka

by Peter H.M. Uylings

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This textbook aims at explaining the basic ideas and concepts underlying the<br> theory of orthogonal operators and its application to atomic spectroscopy.<br> Embedded between two more general parts on angular momentum theory and<br> relativity, the main principles are presented in chapter 14 of part II. With orthogonal<br> operators, standard deviations of energy fits are frequently reduced by an order of<br> magnitude and only elementary linear algebra is needed to project ab initio results of<br> any provenance onto an orthogonal basis of operators. The framework of orthogonal<br> operators is surely fortified with the support of Hartree-Fock calculations combined<br> with perturbation theory; B-splines are a strong tool to calculate the occurring one-<br> and two-electron excited states. These ab initio aspects are covered as well in part<br> II for this reason. Second quantization in the coupled form as an elegant method<br> to handle a wide variety of angular momentum problems is used throughout the<br> book in all three parts. In part III, second quantization is also used to show how a<br> jj → SL transformation yields fully relativistic results in SL−coupling. Hyperfine<br> structure and electromagnetic radiation are treated in some detail to illustrate the<br> potential of this formalism.
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Date   2021-06-01
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