@article{baryła-matejczuk_poleszak_porzak_2021, title={Short Polish version of the Highly Sensitive Person Scale – exploring its multidimensional structure in a sample of emerging adults}, volume={11}, DOI={10.5114/cipp.2021.107339}, abstractNote={Sensory processing sensitivity (SPS) is a heritable trait and persons who are characterized by a high level of it are termed highly sensitive. The first and the most frequently used scale developed to measure high sensitivity is the Highly Sensitive Person Scale (HSPS), which has become increasingly popular and has been adapted to many languages in recent years. The present article forms a part of the publications which deal with the subject of tool adaptation and the exploration of their structure. This article presents the results of research conducted on a Polish sample of emerging adults consisting of 470 persons. The aim of this study is to further analyse the psychometric properties of the HSPS, as well as to provide initial evidence for the properties of the scale on a Polish sample. The analyses conducted to date have been extended and the item response theory (IRT) model has been included. Also, a proposal for a shortened scale is presented. The results show that the Polish version of the HSPS constitutes a reliable method whose validity is proven by correlations with the Pavlovian Temperament Survey as well as being a reliable measure of the SPS construct. The results obtained support the multi-factor structure of the scale. There is a need for further analysis of the cultural aspect in sensitivity studies as well as for exploring gender differences.}, number={1}, publisher={Termedia Sp. z.o.o.}, author={Baryła-Matejczuk, Monika and Poleszak, Wiesław and Porzak, Robert}, year={2021}, month={Jun} }