Theoretical substantiation of methods of vibrating protection of the equipment for vibro-shock hardening of longerons of helicopters release_p3dpwuwt7fgpfjxujpprhacjga

by S.A. Shamshura


In article the combined method of vibrating isolation and vibrating clearing on an example of the stand of vibrratsionno-shock hardening of longerons of helicopters is considered. The developed dynamic model allows to minimise factor of transfer of forces on the equipment base that leads to reduction of levels of vibration. Rational selection of parametres of model: such as the weight, resulted rigidity, frequency of vibration allows to provide performance of a sanitary code of vibration at designing of the similar equipment.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   2018
Language   ru ?
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ISSN-L:  1992-5980
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