Heart Disease Prediction Using Machine Learning Algorithm release_ozkx5re5mfdqddmmfn7gjflr7y

Published in VOLUME-8 ISSUE-10, AUGUST 2019, REGULAR ISSUE by Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering and Sciences Engineering and Sciences Publication - BEIESP.

2019   Issue 10, p2603-2606


Heart disease is a common problem which can be very severe in old ages and also in people not having a healthy lifestyle. With regular check-up and diagnosis in addition to maintaining a decent eating habit can prevent it to some extent. In this paper we have tried to implement the most sought after and important machine learning algorithm to predict the heart disease in a patient. The decision tree classifier is implemented based on the symptoms which are specifically the attributes required for the purpose of prediction. Using the decision tree algorithm, we will be able to identify those attributes which are the best one that will lead us to a better prediction of the datasets. The decision tree algorithm works in a way where it tries to solve the problem by the help of tree representation. Here each internal node of the tree represents an attribute, and each leaf node corresponds to a class label. The support vector machine algorithm helps us to classify the datasets on the basis of kernel and it also groups the dataset using hyperplane. The main objective of this project is to try and reduce the number of occurrences of the heart diseases in patients
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2019-08-10
Language   en ?
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ISSN-L:  2278-3075
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