Optimization of expression yield in a stable cell line expressing a novel mutated chimeric tissue plasminogen activator (mt-PA) release_oysjjvud6nhuhl7ymborocxhvu

by Mozhgan Raigani, Farzaneh Barkhordari, Reza Moazzami, Fatemeh Davami, Fereidoun Mahboudi

Published in Brazilian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences by Universidade de São Paulo.

2022   Volume 58


Abstract The development of stable cell lines producing recombinant proteins is very time-consuming and laborious. One of the practical approaches successfully performed is Fluorescence-Activated Cell Sorting (FACS). A mutated chimeric tissue plasminogen activator (mt-PA) was developed by removing the first three domains of t-PA, insertion of GHRP sequence and mutation toward resistance to plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1). In the current study, a new stable CHO-DG44 cell line producing mt-PA was developed by two sequential clonal selections: FACS and clonal-selection by limiting dilution. Furthermore, the expression was more evaluated using two different expression media. Finally, the high-producing clones were selected based on the dot blot and amidolytic activity test. The transfection efficiency of CHO-DG44 cells was 38% as measured by flow cytometry on green fluorescent protein (GFP). After performing FACS on stable cell pools, the expression yield was increased to fifty-fold. In terms of growth profile, CD-DG44 showed higher viability and cell density results than ProCHO5 medium. The expression of mt-PA was significantly higher in CD-DG44 than in ProCHO5, 765 and 280 IU/mL, respectively. Our data indicated that selection of an appropriate expression medium played a critical role in the development of potent producing stable cells by FACS.
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