@article{chugaev_chernyshev_budyak_mandzhieva_sadasyuk_gareev_2019, title={Variations of the 238U/235U isotope ratio in metasedimentary rocks and evidence of changes in sedimentation conditions during the Ediacaran period of the Neoproterozoic}, volume={484}, DOI={10.31857/s0869-56524844472-477}, abstractNote={The isotopic composition of uranium is a new geochemical indicator that facilitates reconstruction of the redox conditions of geological processes. In this paper the results of study of the 238U/235U isotope ratio in the Neoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks of the Baikal–Patom fold belt (Northern Transbaikalia) were obtained using the MC-ICP-MS method and 233U+236U double spike. The scale of 238U/235U ratio variations (δ238U = –0.37 to –0.11‰) is within the range of (–0.39 to +0.15‰), typical of metasedimentary terrigenous rocks of marine origin. In terms of the δ238U values, uranium of the BPB rocks studied is heavier than seawater uranium (δ238U = –0.41 ± 0.03). There is a correlation between the δ238U value in the rocks and their position in the stratigraphic section. Variations of the 238U/235U ratio in the terrigenous-carbonate sequences of BPB indicate that the sedimentation conditions changed and euxinic conditions were established in the course of evolution of the paleobasin in the Late Ediacarian Period.}, publisher={The Russian Academy of Sciences}, author={Chugaev, A. V. and Chernyshev, I. V. and Budyak, A. E. and Mandzhieva, G. V. and Sadasyuk, A. S. and Gareev, B. I.}, year={2019}, month={May} }