@article{ioelovich, title={Physicochemical methods for determination of cellulose crystallinity}, abstractNote={Two physicochemical methods for determination of crystallinity degree of cellulose have been developed. The first method was to study the sorption of water vapor (A), and second was to measure the enthalpy of wetting (ÄH). These methods are based on mechanism of interaction between cellulose and molecules of water, which is carried out in the amorphous domains of the polymer. Thus, increase in content of amorphous domains and decrease in degree of crystallinity leads to rise of water sorp-tion and enthalpy of wetting. As a result, an equation for calculation of the crystallinity degree (X) of cellulose was proposed: X=1-(Z/Zo), where Z is a physicochemical parameter (A or ÄH) of the sample,}, author={Ioelovich} }