@article{luo_zhou_2017, title={Effect of the tea polyphenol combined with epirubicin on the apoptosis, autophagy and invasive growth of bladder cancer cells}, volume={23}, abstractNote={Objective: To study the effect of the tea polyphenol combined with epirubicin on the apoptosis, autophagy and invasive growth of bladder cancer cells. Methods: T24 bladder cancer cell lines were cultured and divided into three groups, TP+EPI group were treated with 100 μmol/L tea polyphenol combined with 5 μmol/L epirubicin, EPI group were treated with 5 μmol/L epirubicin and control group were treated with drug-free RPMI medium. The mRNA expression of apoptosis, autophagy and invasion genes was measured after 24 h of treatment. Results: DAB2IP, PTEN, LC3 and Beclin1 mRNA expression in TP+EPI group and EPI group were significantly higher than those in control group while Rce1, YAP, DEK, p62, KPNA2, GRP78, Fra-1, SPOCK1 and CX43 mRNA expression were significantly lower than those in control group; DAB2IP, PTEN and p62 mRNA expression in TP+EPI group were significantly higher than those in EPI group while Rce1, YAP, DEK, LC3, Beclin1, KPNA2, GRP78, Fra-1, SPOCK1 and CX43 mRNA expression were significantly lower than those in EPI group. Conclusion: Tea polyphenol combined with epirubicin can promote the apoptosis and inhibit the autophagy and invasion of bladder cancer cells.}, number={20}, publisher={Editorial Board of Journal of Hainan Medical University}, author={Luo and Zhou}, year={2017} }