@article{cinat_paggi_gnecco_2019, title={Identification of Roughness with Optimal Contact Response with respect to Real Contact Area and Normal Stiffness}, volume={2019}, DOI={10.1155/2019/7051512}, abstractNote={Additive manufacturing technologies are a key point of the current era of Industry 4.0, promoting the production of mechanical components via the addition of subsequent layers of material. Then, they may be also used to produce surfaces tailored to achieve a desired mechanical contact response. In this work, we develop a method to prototype profiles optimizing a suitable trade-off between two different target mechanical responses. The mechanical design problem is solved relying on both physical assumptions and optimization methods. An algorithm is proposed, exploiting an analogy between genetics and the multiscale characterization of roughness, where various length-scales are described in terms of rough profiles, named chromosomes. Finally, the proposed algorithm is tested on a representative example, and the topological and spectral features of roughness of the optimized profiles are discussed.}, publisher={Hindawi Limited}, author={Cinat and Paggi and Gnecco}, year={2019}, month={Jan} }