Path2Integrity Learning Cards: First Year Experiences of an Educational Programme to Foster Research Integrity release_obptat7xgzcujipvgzkuk2c2hy

by Julia Priess-Buchheit, Coburg University of Applied Science, Coburg, Germany

Published in Edukacja by Instytut Badan Edukacyjnych.

2021   Volume 2020, p54-66


This article outlines the experience gained in the first twelve (12) months of the Path2Integrity (P2I) learning programme, an initiative designed to promote reliable research results and responsible research practices with all students, not only those destined to be researchers. Path2Integrity learning cards are student-centred instructions with a dialogical approach, using role-playing and storytelling aimed at fostering a culture of research integrity. This report shows that feedback gathered in this first year of the P2I programme supported the following three actions. First, the feedback informed distinctions between the different contexts of research education and citizen education. Second, a handbook was prepared to accompany the learning cards. And finally, students will be asked in the future to reflect on the competencies each learning card features. A review of the feedback and actions will be followed by an overview of the implications for the programme itself and for research integrity education in general.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2021-03-25
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