Diagnostic for new physics in B →π K decays release_oayxgej4yjch5p6e4gbdsbkdfa

by Seungwon Baek, Cheng-Wei Chiang, Michael Gronau, David London, and Jonathan L. Rosner

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A recent analysis of B →π K decays concludes that present data do not clearly indicate whether (i) the standard model (or Δ I=0 new physics) is sufficient, or (ii) Δ I=1 new physics is needed. We show that these two possibilities can be distinguished by whether a sum rule relating the CP asymmetries of the four B →π K decays is valid. If case (i) is favored, the sum rule holds, and one predicts A_CP(π^0 K^0) = -0.15, while in case (ii) fits to new physics involving large values of a color-suppressed tree amplitude entail A_CP(π^0 K^0) = -0.03. The current experimental average A_CP(π^0 K^0) = -0.01 ± 0.10 must be measured a factor of at least three times more precisely in order to distinguish between the two cases.
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Type  article
Stage   accepted
Date   2009-05-21
Version   v2
Language   en ?
arXiv  0905.1495v2
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