@misc{tan_2020, title={Invisible decays of neutral hadrons}, DOI={10.31219/osf.io/2x9fk}, abstractNote={

Invisible decays of neutral hadrons are evaluated as ordinary-mirror particle oscillations using the newly developed mirror matter model. Assuming equivalence of the $CP$ violation and mirror symmetry breaking scales for neutral kaon oscillations, rather precise values of the mirror matter model parameters are predicted for such ordinary-mirror particle oscillations. Not only do these parameter values satisfy the cosmological constraints, but they can also be used to precisely determine the oscillation or invisible decay rates of neutral hadrons. In particular, invisible decay branching fractions for relatively long-lived hadrons such as $K^0_L$, $K^0_S$, $\Lambda^0$, and $\Xi^0$ due to such oscillations are calculated to be $9.9\times 10^{-6}$, $1.8\times 10^{-6}$, $4.4\times 10^{-7}$, and $3.6\times 10^{-8}$, respectively. These significant invisible decays are readily detectable at existing accelerator facilities.

}, publisher={Center for Open Science}, author={Tan, Wanpeng}, year={2020}, month={Jun} }