@article{khamitova_avdeev_galiullin_popova_lukashevich_2020, title={Assessment of soil sanitary parameters in cedar plantations}, volume={17}, DOI={10.1051/bioconf/20201700194}, abstractNote={The paper presents the results of the study of sanitary and microbiological parameters of soils in cedar plantations on the example of the Vologda Region of Russia. The statistical description of cedar plantations showed that both urban and Siberian cedar plantations in urban environments and beyond are characterized by good growth. The results of the sanitary assessment of cedar plantations showed that the largest part of them is classified as the second class. The evaluation of the gross heavy metal content of soil samples showed that the numerical values of test elements (copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, nickel, chromium, arsenic, mercury) did not exceed MPC. The analysis for the content of heavy metals in soil of cedar groves and nurseries is one of the ways to achieve sustainable development and functioning of the studied objects, to grow healthy cedar plantations. It is aimed at improving the environment of the Gryazovetskaya district of Vologda Region, as well as at modeling and development of environmental measures. On the basis of sanitary and microbiological assessment in the examined cedar groves it is recommended to carry out selective forest protection measures, to clean debris, as well as to conduct laboratory studies in order to determine soil toxicity affecting growth and development of cedar plantations.}, publisher={EDP Sciences}, author={Khamitova, Svetlana and Avdeev, Yuri and Galiullin, Ilfir and Popova, Alexandra and Lukashevich, Victor}, editor={Fayzrakhmanov, D. and Ziganshin, B. and Nezhmetdinova, F. and Shaydullin, R.}, year={2020} }