衛星監控資訊作為法庭證據之實證研究―以高等以上法院裁判為中心 Satellite Surveillance Information as Evidence in the Higher Court of Taiwan
蔡達智 Ta-Chih Tsai
中取得的衛星定位與個人通訊場所地理位置資訊,若位於個人居家內部,此等犯罪偵查舉動恐有侵犯憲法第10 條及第12 條保障個人居住自由與秘密通訊自由等基本人權,如此一來,法院接受該等證據適用的結果是否恰當,有無過度侵害人民隱私權,頗有疑慮而有研究必要。其次,衛星定位、空照行為容易受到客觀環境如地形地物的影響,而有定位與空照產生誤差與不精確的結果,特別是多颱風、地震、山崩、土石流的台灣,常發生的問題便是,地形地物變化快速的情況下,僅靠單一的衛星定位、空照等證據,即欲證明
Since launched the first satellite in 1998, Taiwan became one of the space club in the world. Except to the necessity of military force, scientific research and weather prediction, using satellite remote sensing data and global position information
become more and more popular to common people, so as to the government. Nonetheless, people who live in this Big Island seldom care about how government used this high technology control and monitor method against to the people or for
the people. Even in academy, there is very few scholars ever expressed their comments on this issue. After do some searches in judicial reviews, there still hardly could find any legal principle whether the government may use satellite to monitor
or even control the people or even natural environment. Even so, the author still tries to collect some useful verdict data to illustrate the principle and the practical situation about the satellite surveillance in Taiwan Higher Court.
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