@article{abu-zinadah_sayed-ahmed_2019, title={Competing Risks Model with Partially Step-Stress Accelerate Life Tests in Analyses Lifetime Chen Data under Type-II Censoring Scheme}, volume={17}, DOI={10.1515/phys-2019-0019}, abstractNote={Abstract The experiment design may need a stress level higher than use condition which is called accelerate life tests (ALTs). One of the most ALTs appears in different applications in the life testes experiment is partially step stress ALTs. Also, the experiment items is failure with several fatal risk factors, the only one is caused to failure which called competing risk model. In this paper, the partially step-stress ALTs based on Type-II censoring scheme is adopted under the different risk factors belong to Chen lifetime distributions. Under this assumption, we will estimate the model parameters of the different causes with the maximum likelihood method. The two, asymptotic distributions and the parametric bootstrap will be used to build each confidence interval of the model parameters. The precision results will be assessed through Monte Carlo simulation study.}, publisher={Walter de Gruyter GmbH}, author={Abu-Zinadah and Sayed-Ahmed}, year={2019}, month={Apr} }