Lived experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers release_nta4qteh2vahbj22x3afiodxym

by Phasha Kgethego Terrance, Makhubele Jabulani Calvin, Mokone Jocobeth Malebo

Published in International Journal of Research In Business and Social Science by Ümit Hacıoğlu.

2022   Volume 11, p388-393


The phenomenon of absent fathers continues to be one of the major social problems affecting families globally. This study examined the lived experiences of adolescent boys who grow up in absent father families. The objectives of this study were to elucidate the experiences of adolescent boys with absent fathers, to describe the challenges faced by adolescent boys who grow up without a father and to determine their understanding of the role and value of having a father. A qualitative approach was followed for this study. Data were collected from 18 adolescent boys through face-to-face interviews and focus group discussions. The data collected was analysed thematically. The findings showed that adolescent boys regarded fathers as important figures in their lives and their families. The absence of fathers in their total upbringing has some negative ramifications, among others, financial challenges, poor academic progress, alcohol abuse and lack of immediate gender role model.
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