@article{nistor_scipanov_2022, title={THE INFLUENCE OF BLACK SEA CHARACTERISTICS OVER JOINT OPERATIONS}, volume={80}, DOI={10.53477/1841-5784-21-13}, abstractNote={In this endeavour, it is proposed to identify some military characteristics of the Black Sea, in terms of narrow sea, that can influence the development of military action in a joint context. This will highlight the role and place of naval force in capitalizing on the optimal potential to support coastal actions carried out by the land force. The novelty of this approach is underlined by the fact that the research result is based on the cooperation of specialists from the Romanian Naval Forces with specialists from the Land Forces, following war games and the use of other research tools specific to the military science field. The originality lies precisely in the fact that the particular missions of the naval forces during the support of the land forces were identified by the authors through the experience gained in exercises carried out at the "Carol I" National Defence University. The final product will make that correspondence between the characteristics of the Black Sea and the necessary capabilities, intended to manifest maritime power, through an appropriate response in the case of joint military actions, which will contribute to supporting national interests at the maritime and riverine areas.}, publisher={Univeritatea Nationala de Aparare Carol I}, author={NISTOR, Florin and SCIPANOV, Lucian Valeriu}, year={2022}, month={Feb} }