Exploring the Translingual Approach to English as a Foreign Language Writing in China release_nruntpdjavfwvbaesw5eo3wxya

by Sitong Wang

Published in International journal of education by Academy and Industry Research Collaboration Center (AIRCC).

2022   Volume 10, p11-17


The translingual approach has become an increasingly popular pedagogy in writing education to respond to linguistic diversity in the past decade. It emphasizes nonstandard language varieties and encourages learners to employ all linguistic repertoire. Writing scholars and educators proposed various research from different viewpoints to investigate how the approach can affect writing pedagogy and practice. However, so far, limited attention has been given to the potential influence of translingual writing in China's classrooms. Exploring the young and fast-growing landscape is necessary, and adapting the translingual approach to the Chinese context. To fill the gap, the purpose of this paper is to present a critical review of the literature investigating translingual writing in China. Hopefully, the paper can facilitate the English as a foreign language (EFL) writing instructors who plan to adopt a translingual approach in China.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Date   2022-09-30
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