Stone icon from Belz in the context of Christian cult products of Upper Bug region
Кам'яна іконка з Белза в контексті християнських культових виробів Верхньої Надбужанщини release_nqrw6op5f5hfzmj2ini4rflh3m

by Volodymyr Petehyrych, Остап Лазурко

Published in Materials and Studies on Archaeology of Sub-Carpathian and Volhynian Area by Ivan Krypyakevych Institute of Ukrainian Studies - National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

2020   Volume 24, p153-175


Recently discovered stone icon from annalistic Belz is presented for scientific use. This scapular is considered in the context of other stone icons and metal crosses-encolpions, which are concentrated in the oldest annalistic cities of the Upper Bug region – Volodymyr, Cherven, Belz, Volhyn, Zvenyhorod or near them, forming a distinct cluster of Christian cult products. Circumstances and place of discovery of the Belz icon are analyzed, its connection with dytynets of the ancient city is proved. The icon from Belz is dedicated to the great martyr brothers Borys and Glib – first Old Rus' canonized saints, sons of grand knyaz Volodymyr Svyatoslavovych. Iconographic type of image from the icon, where knyazs are represented in full growth as martyrs and warriors with crosses and swords, was created in Byzantium. From here, it could be moved to Kyiv Rus' state directly or through South Slavic and European culture. Very few icons with such iconographic scheme have been found. According to artistic value and elements of iconography, the stone icon from the Solotchinskyi cloister near Old Ryazan was the closest. Its production is associated with activities of South Rus' Kyiv craftsmen. The Belz scapular probably can be dated back to XIII century, perhaps the first third of it, characterized by activity of the Kyiv school, which is associated with a series of wonderful works of small stone plastic. Borys-and-Glib cult was quite active on the territory of Upper Bug region during this period, as evidenced by encolpions with images of Borys and Glib and data on the possibility of their local production. Tradition of worshiping this cult in Volhyn' in the second half of XIII century can be associated with active religious efforts of knyaz Volodymyr Vasylkovych (1249/1250–1288). The same tradition continued during following centuries, as evidenced by Church of Borys and Glib in Potelych near Belz, mentioned in the chronicle in 1262. The Belz scapular is characterized by an artistically perfect depiction of figures of Borys and Glib, rich decoration of their clothes and headgear, realistic images of soft leather shoes, clothing details, distinctive highlight of the sword and cross – symbols of martyrdom. It can be placed in line with the best stone icons of a whole Rus'. Key words: Upper Bug region, Christian symbols, icon, Belz, Borys and Glib.
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Date   2020-12-24
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