Indelible disfigurement of face - forensic and legal aspects release_nq4g5zuxtbcnfm7536cwxmgn7m

by Leonid Holubovych, Andrii Holubovych, Petro Holubovych, Mariia Zubko, Anatolii Kurtiev

Published in Forensic-medical examination by Higher State Educational Establishment of Ukraine Bukovinian State Medical University.

2017   p78-81


Fleeting changes in economic, political and social life dictate the need for changes in the legal field, where the work is not only lawyers but also forensic medical experts, the main job is to help the judicial and investigative authorities in establishing the truth in specific cases where crimes against life, health, honor and dignity. In this article the difficulties with which forensic medical expert has faced during determining the degree of injuries under the criteria of "indelible disfigurement of face" and suggested ways to resolve the conflicts are analyzed.
 Objective. Analyzation of forensic and legal approaches to solve questions and to find ways to resolve conflicts.
 Conclusion. We are convinced that no specialist whether the forensic medical expert, an investigator or a judge can not single-handedly solve the problem of disfigurement of face, therefore consider it appropriate to solve the research question within the commission or a comprehensive forensic examination, a fundamental part of which is determined by the person that appointed it to the list of specialists who have the necessary aesthetic ideas to solve the issue on its merits. Order or decision of the representatives of the law enforcement bodies confirm the powers of the Commission within the issues to be addressed and, accordingly, take the possible claims, by the exit of members of the expert committee for the limits of its competence.
 Despite the fact that our opinion may not be absolutely perfect, this publication we invite experts of forensic experts and lawyers to fruitful discussions and address the issues raised.
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Date   2017-05-29
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