Foreign Language Speaking Skills Development through Creating Situations of Verbal Communication release_novzylhmefgddboquhyjmak6da

by Svitlana Tarasenko

Published in Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University Journal. Рedagogical Sciences by Zhytomyr Ivan Franko State University.

2017   Issue 3(89), p143-147


Ability to speak is the most essential skill since it is the basic for communication. For improving speaking skill, students need lots of practice, encouragement and correction. This paper examines the peculiarities of educational process organization regarding developing foreign language speaking skills of students in higher educational establishments. It analyzes the main specific features of speaking, as one of the most valued skills in learning a foreign language. A range of problems in teaching language oral speech are considered and analyzed. The main difficulties and reasons for the lack of progress in teaching speaking skills are given and characterized along with the main prerequisites for successful enhancement of these skills. There are many factors that influence the speaking skill of the students. Some factors come from the teacher, some other come from the student itself. According to many teaching theorists, speaking skill can be developed through communicative activities. This paper examines what the role of the teacher is in order to improve the learners' skills, the features of oral communication that need to be improved and which strategies can be used to overcome the difficulties. The paper also describes some types of language activities that stimulate students' speaking. Some measures to solve the problems are recommended to be taken.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2017-07-22
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