Deinstitutionalization, the patients, the families and women: interests to reconcile
La désinstitutionnalisation, les malades, les familles et les femmes: des intérêts à concilier release_nioyyx3eazclbbzqp54rxmapky

by R Therrien

Published in Santé mentale au Québec .

1990   Volume 15, Issue 1, p100-19


Deinstitutionalization is very demanding for families. Forced to fill in the gaps of the system, their role is one of creating a therapeutic environment while receiving little support from government service organizations. Cohabitation often leads to difficult relations between a patient and his or her family. In such a context, a large proportion of families experience problems in their attempt to fill their parental role. Women are more affected by this situation seeing they provide a large part of the emotional support to chronically ill mental patients and maintain the contact with service organizations. Also, they must confront professionals who often judge them as overprotective or responsible if the patient is their own child. The authors definitely agree that collective responsibility must complement family responsibility to ensure the respect of patients', families', and women's rights.
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Type  article-journal
Stage   published
Year   1990
Language   fr ?
PubMed  2096964
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ISSN-L:  0383-6320
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