@article{hersoelistyorini_dewi_kumoro_studi_pangan_keperawatan_kesehatan_muhammadiyah_jl_kedung_et al., title={SIFAT FISIKOKIMIA DAN ORGANOLEPTIK TEPUNG MOCAF (MODIFIED CASSAVA FLOUR) DENGAN FERMENTASI MENGGUNAKAN EKSTRAK KUBIS}, abstractNote={This research aimed to study the use of cabbage extract as the source of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) on the swelling power, solubility, amylose content, and organoleptic properties of mocaf. The research was carried out through two experimental steps with the first step aimed to study the optimum fermentation time based on swelling power of the mocaf. Whereas second step aimed to determine the optimum cabbage extract concentration based on swelling power, solubility, amylose content, and organoleptic properties. The results showed that optimum swelling power was achieved from fermentation using 40% cabbage extract for 24 hours, optimum solubility was obtained using 60% and 80% cabbage extracts, lowest amylose content was achieved by fermentation using 40% cabbage extract. The favored aroma, color and texture were obtained from fermentation using 20%, 40% and 80% cabbage extract, respectively. The best fermentation condition was determined based on the lowest amylose content as low amylose means high amylopectin. Amylopectin plays important role in triggering the process of puffing, by which food products will be light, porous, dry and crunchy. Mocaf with lowest amylose content is recommended as raw material for the manufacturing of cookies.}, author={Hersoelistyorini and Dewi and Kumoro and Studi and Pangan and Keperawatan and Kesehatan and Muhammadiyah and Jl and Kedung and et al.} }