Creatio Continua and Quantum Randomness release_n5h3ioavdnfb7fsp6rzx3ypd5u

by Emil Salim, Shoaib Ahmed Malik

Published in Abrahamic Reflections on Randomness and Providence by Springer International Publishing.

2021   p243-264


<jats:title>Abstract</jats:title>Some thinkers in the Christian and Islamic traditions assert that God doesn't only create the universe <jats:italic>ex nihilo</jats:italic>, but that he also continuously recreates the universe in order to preserve its existence. This chapter will discuss randomness vis-à-vis the doctrine of continuous creation as understood in both religious traditions. We argue that the doctrine of continuous creation in its version that is held by both Christians and Muslims would preclude ontic quantum randomness. The reason is that in the doctrine of continuous creation, God is ultimately and meticulously responsible for the existence of objects and properties at every single moment.
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Date   2021-09-28
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