The influence of online-based hypnoteaching methods on the biology learning outcomes of class xi students release_n3ecdpnzzrac3ifg424fgj4kuy

by May Yarni, Berliana Cakra Kusuma

Published in Jurnal Inovasi Pendidikan IPA by Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.



This study aims to determine the improvement of student learning outcomes, through the Application of Online-Based Hypnoteaching Learning Methods. The method used is a quasi-experimental. Samples were taken using cluster random sampling technique. The sample consisted of 35 experimental class students and 34 control class students. The experimental class n-gain test has an index score of 59.1% including the "fairly effective" category, while the control class has an index score of 31.0% including the "ineffective" category. Collecting data using pre-test and post-test with learning outcomes test instruments. Learning outcomes between the experimental class and the control class there are significant differences. The average of the experimental class on the initial test was 50.14% and the final test was 80.14%. While the average of the initial test control class is 46.91% and the final test is 64.26%. student response in using the models,strongly the agree (49.12%. ) and agree (43.00%.).Test the normality of the experimental class X-count (3.2) with = 0.05 and dk 5 of 11.07. It can be concluded that X count X0.05. In the control class the value of X-count (8.0) with 0.05 dk 5 is 11.07. Then it is concluded that X-count X0.05, meaning that the two classes are normally distributed. Homogeneous test of the two classes obtained Xcount X0.05, (1.02 1.78) and it can be interpreted that the variance of the two classes is homogeneous. Hypothesis test is obtained T-count (4.46) T-table (1.99), indicating the influence of the application online-based hypnoteaching learning model in improving the learning outcomes of student class XI.
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Type  article-journal
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Date   2022-05-15
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